It's official. The City of Jacksonville, Florida proclaimed February 12th the official Curls & Convo Day, and we were able to participate by vending at the event, sponsoring a girl to attend the event and advocating for the CROWN act. The CROWN act is legislature that would prohibit people from being discriminated against (especially in the workplace) because of the way they choose to wear their hair. Can you believe people in the United States are still penalized because they where their hair in its natural state?
One of our goals is to empower people to love themselves. A key to loving yourself is appreciating the natural beauty that was given to you by the Creator. That includes growing to embrace your hair. Our first line of t-shirts, the Mask-Up Collection, celebrated different hairstyles from afro-puffs to ponytails, and we will continue to embrace curls and conversations!
Visit to find out more about Curls & Convo and Mygani.